Why Tuesday is the most productive work day.
We can all agree that Monday’s are just hard! We need to reapply ourselves to the jobs we started but never finished the week before and quite frankly just lack the energy to get it all going again.
Tuesday, oh yeah, Tuesday is the day for getting it happening. Tuesday is the day employees are least likely to chuck a sickie but more likely to ask for a promotion. On Tuesday, we are still rested, but not yet too unmotivated to accomplish our tasks. Back in 2013 Accountemps, a North American temping agency surveyed company employees asking them what they personally viewed as the most productive working day. Tuesday came out on top with 2 out of 5 people surveyed ticking that box. See, it’s not just us, there are actual data sets which say Tuesday is definitely (probably) the most productive day.
On Tuesday, we remember pay day is only just around the corner and that we are only three whole days away from the weekend. On Tuesday, we are inspired, there is a pep in our step.
On Tuesday, we don’t need those double shot soy lattes, we only need a regular one (smug face).
On Tuesday, we remember that there is no single other weekday as bad as Monday, this immediately makes Tuesday a little brighter. On Tuesday, our creative juices are flowing, there is no writers block and no aimless clockwatching at the top right-hand of our macs for that BRIGHT idea.
And finally, on Tuesday night, we remember that tomorrow is Hump Day and we are that much closer to those golden ‘S’ days.